Courtney and I have decided to share our testimonies, though not at the same time, because we feel it is essential in sharing our faith. We're hoping to make a series of it, and be able to share others as well! Telling mine, unfortunately, is not something I've done many times, so this is a tad uncomfortable for me. In fact, let me tell you that I am terrified right now. One of the biggest things Yeshua has been doing in my life lately, however, is making me uncomfortable and through that, growing and strengthening me. So, I’m gonna do it!
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:1-2
It starts......

After 9/11 (keep in mind, living in Maryland meant it affected us differently than it did many others, especially given the fact that Poppa worked in D.C.) our pastor gave a controversial sermon that caused my parents to sever our family's ties with the church. After that, we never found another church to attend. We moved to Texas, and never found a church here either. I had a good friend in middle school (we'll call her Wanda), though, who began taking me to her church and its youth group, with which she was very involved. I was in no way accustomed to the church life that is here in Texas, so going to church with her was probably the greatest culture shock I faced from the move. It was beautiful though, and I found myself wanting what everyone at that church had. The people of faith here are so in Love with God. It's not an act of getting out of bed in the morning and dragging yourself to church. They want to go! They love one another, are kind to one another, and there's just a light around them that I had never seen before.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:2-3
The worst part
This is probably where I should make note of an important part of me, and it’s usually the hardest part for me to say. The fact that I’m putting this on the internet only feeds that difficulty. Although my parents are believers, although they raised me in the faith and brought me to church, I was convinced from the time I understood who God was that He was a myth. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he didn't exist and that everyone who believed in and worshiped Him was a fool. I never told anyone this until I was half way through high school, and even then, I told very few. So going to this new church with my friend, and seeing how the people acted and looked and felt, made me crave what they had. I tried, and I prayed, but a voice (we all know who that loser was. You may know him as lucifer. One of my favorite speakers, Tim Ross, calls him lucy, so we'll stick with that. And no, I'm not going to capitalize that fools name) kept telling me that God wasn't real. That I was right, that no one was listening to me, and that I was horribly and terribly alone.At the same time, I was comparing myself to my sister on a daily basis. She is older, incredibly beautiful, and was popular in school (and we all know popularity is essential to success in school...... please note the sarcasm). I also fought constantly with both of my sweet brothers, hated the way I looked and how I was known in school, and, again, knew I was alone in all of this. To cope, I began to cut myself. I did that to myself for four years.
In high school, Wanda and I grew apart and I stopped joining her to church. But, when I was 16, I started dating a boy who then started to take me to his church. The hunger for something I didn't quite understand returned, and I began to beg for God’s presence in my life. My boyfriend and I went to his church two or three times a week and became very involved. The summer going into my junior year of high school, I went on my first mission trip with him to a town in southeast Texas that had been affected by hurricane Katrina. That trip was my first step towards actually taking God’s outstretched hand. I confessed one night to a good friend of mine about my cutting. She and two other friends of mine stayed up late into the night with me, praying for and encouraging me. After that night, I never hurt myself again. I eventually told them I wasn’t even sure God existed. Booooy was I wrong!
God held His arms out, and inch by inch, I crept into them....

Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her [boy did He!!].
Hosea 2:14I hit my lowest point in my faith by my second year of college. Although I had stopped hurting myself for some time now, my doubts in the existence of an omnipotent being were still incredibly strong. During the summer leading into my junior year of college, my boyfriend (the same one from high school - yea, we kinda stuck together for a while) went off to California for basic training for the Marine corps (oorah!!). This was my first time in years to not have him within an arms reach, whether that be physically or simply by phone (we dated long distance while I was in college, but we still got to talk every day), and it was also the greatest summer of my life. Note: that’s not a dig at him! He’s delightful. My summer was not fantastic because he was gone. It just happened to work out that way.

You believe at last!! [This is what Lord said to me
during our sweet summer. I cried then, and I'm pretty sure I haven't
stopped crying since. Tears of joy are one of my favorite things]
John 16:31
I had been a “Christian” for about five or six years by this point. I was, however, what I think is a “Christian American”. I was a socially acceptable Christian, who lived with one foot in this world so that I could enjoy what it had to offer. My arrogant refusal to believe in the reality and truth of Christ, however, kept the Holy Spirit from consuming my soul. I'm not saying "Christian Americans" don't believe in God. That's just me (though there may be others who struggle with it). My doubt didn't keep me from trying to live for God, however, because all of me wanted Him to be real, and wanted to devote my life to Him. That's just not an easy task when you don't have the Holy Spirit living within you! I walked the walk (kind of), but had no internal transformation. This transformation, and praise God for it, is what caused everything to change. It’s what made me hungry to know the Lord and desire to pursue Him just as much as He pursued me.
And it only got sweeter
I returned to school the next fall for my junior year, and was astonished to find that God was not done loving on me! I was enormously blessed to participate in a pageant that my school hold’s annually, and the Good Lord taught me lessons through that which I will carry with me for the rest of my life. It was literally a gift He gave me, just to cement in me His massive love for lousy me. He carried me through school to graduation and beyond, blessed me over and over again, and never relented in showing me just how much He loves me!To finish my story, I want to make one, very important point clear. Every day since the summer of my transformation has indeed been bliss, because whenever I think about the fact that I know, believe wholeheartedly in, and love the Lord our God, I am consumed with an inexplicable joy that can only be described as the pure joy, love, and spirit of Christ. However, I have still continued to face trials, pains, and struggles. I have known the heart ache that makes it impossible to breathe, and have had to make choices in my life that once would have been easy as pie (but are now tougher than the apples that go in the pie. Lame, I know. I make lame jokes. You'll get used to it). The Gospel, the Good and Wonderful News, is not a ticket to a life handed to one without struggles or strife. It guarantees the strife in fact. What it also guarantees though, is that this time, I - you - don’t have to face the hardships alone! When my heart is broken now, I can turn my face to the Artist who crafted it and wait patiently on Him to mend it in a way that no one else can. The Good Lord cradles me, kisses me, dances with me, sings to me, laughs with me, and loves me in every way I've ever dreamed. The feeling I once had was a hollow barrenness void of any warmth, love, or tiny trace of comfort. The feeling I am now consumed with is ecstasy, euphoric, elated, joy! The joy of the Spirit. The joy of our Lord.
It can be just as sweet for you!!!

I love you. Thank you for taking your time to read about my love story :) Tell us yours!!!!
Ariel, thank you SO much for sharing. I've never heard your story, and really haven't gotten to know you much except through C's wedding (which, c'mon, why have we NOT gotten to know each more!? Let's fix this, stat). Your story literally brought tears to my eyes for several reasons. It's so beautiful, and that is one.
ReplyDeleteAnother is the emptiness you felt and the self-harm you performed for years--there is someone very, very close and dear to me that has been going through the same things for years and I've only just found out about it. She still struggles, and her reasons are very similar to what you went through. I am praying for her to know the sweet love of the Lord as you came to realize.
Lastly, I grew up in church. I'll share my testimony sometime on here. I've never known a life without Christ (did the italics work?), but it pains me to say that I've never known the pursuing, wooing love of Christ as tangibly as you've described it... Like, literally PAINS me to admit that. I long to feel that, I desire it so much, but I don't know how to get there... I'd love for you to post more about the "Dating Jesus" things you did, or something along that topic.
Anyways, thank you so much for sharing. It's been a beautiful reminder of the Gospel, and how we will not be perfect until the day of completion. The Lord can still woo me and show me that tangible love I so long for.
ALSO P.S. THE BACKGROUND OF THIS IS IN GERMAN!!!!:!?!?!?!??!?! <3 <3 <3 <3
Wow. Thank you so much for your encouragement Meaghan!! YES, we need to know one another better, because you are literally fantastic.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel sharing my story with your friend will help her, please do it. If not, know that I'll be praying for her and know that you are making an enormous difference in her life by fighting alongside Christ in her spiritual battle. Your love for her alone makes a difference, so I hope you find strength and encouragement in that.
Courtney and I would LOVE for you to share your story here!!!! I'm so sorry for your sadness, but there is a promise that you can rest in: He LOVES and ADORES you, and He WILL NOT LEAVE. SO, although you haven't experienced His love in this way, it is VERY MUCH there. Meaghan, He will show you His love. Let go of trying. He's coming :)
I'll be happy to share more about it. Thank you so much for caring and talking! I love you so much Meaghan!! You are hilarious and unique and kind and BRIGHT. You are His beloved :)
P.s. Ya vohl!!! (Wohl? Wol? You get it)