Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Shopping: The Win-Win Gift

Need some last minute shopping ideas? 
It's easy to get caught up in giving to our friends and families with commercialized things that have no real significance to the giver or receiver, so it's nice to sometimes find a deeper meaning for our Christmas gifts.

Here are 5 ways to give gifts that really do keep on giving!

1. Shop Fair Trade
    What It Is: Fair Trade is a movement committed to providing consumers with ethically produced shopping options. Members of the World Fair Trade Organization follow a set of 10 principles which include creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers, paying producers a fair price, ensuring no child or forced labor, and ensuring good working conditions. Fair trade employs manufacturers and producers of goods in countries where these qualities may not always be the norm.
   Why It's Cool: You can help reduce poverty by providing manufacturers and producers of goods in developing countries with the skills and resources necessary to be ethically competitive in the global market.
   Ways to Shop: Fair Trade USA, Ten Thousand Villages, Nkuku

2. Shop Non-Profit Merch
   What It Is: Non-profit organizations are just that – organizations that do not seek to turn a profit. They use their income for growing the organization, helping its cause, and paying the necessary expenses (like salaries and costs of business).
   Why It's Cool: It’s a way to buy physical gifts for people while simultaneously supporting your or the gift receiver’s (or both) favorite organization.
   Ways to Shop: American Widow Project, To Write Love On Her Arms, Empowerment Store, Your local no-kill animal shelter

3. Shop Small (Teeny Tiny) Business 
   What It Is: The internet is full of individuals seeking to start business ventures without actually starting a “business”. They offer a craft or service in order to support themselves and their families.
   Why It's Cool: You can buy a craft or service which supports that specific artisan and his/her family.
   Ways to Shop: Etsy, Novica

4. Shop Donations
   What It Is: This would be gifting money to a charitable organization (a specific type of non-profit).
   Why It's Cool: You can give monetary or physical object donations to charity in the name of someone else.
   Ways to Shop: Greater Good, Samaritan’s Purse, Your local food Drive

5. Shop Your Own Home
   What It Is: There are sometimes things that we love and treasure that aren't suitable for us anymore or that we still enjoy but know someone who would enjoy them more. You can find a collection of things to turn into a new thing, Etsy style, or decide to give an unadulterated beloved item to a new owner. 
   Why It's Cool: People tend to have negative connotations toward re-gifting, but if done properly it can actually be a great gift – maybe even a gift that is passed on in the following years. This could be particularly cool to pass on through generations or specific life stages. 
   Ways to Shop: Books, Nice jewelry, Family heirlooms

-- Courtney
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

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