I had a post planned for today, and then something happened on Facebook (when is that ever not the case?) and decided I would write about something else; something I’ve always been passionate about. A beautiful individual spoke the words of this title to me, and I believe I know exactly where (or from Whom, I should say) that feeling came from.
Why the heck do so many people, Christians and non alike (although it’s especially unacceptable among believers) steer away from “strange” people. You know exactly who I’m talking about. Those people who say odd things in social settings, or who are obsessed with anime, or wear outrageous clothing, or color/cut their hair in abnormal ways, or are simply all around “socially awkward”. It makes me so incredibly angry. These people get teased and mocked (usually not to their face, which only makes it ten times worse) and are not accepted into “normal” social circles. Why??
I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another.
2 John verse 5 (Not too easy to love when we're preoccupied with snickering under our breaths)Sweet Courtney has the precious gift of befriending and loving anyone, no matter their “social status”. Particularly, God draws people to her who do not know Him. Some of these people, however, are what others name “odd”. Whenever Court talks to me about them, she never utters more than a few words on this topic, and they’re never in mockery. She only makes note of it because she is astute, analytical, and pretty much makes note of everything because she is a super genius. Regardless, she notes how others see these people, and just doesn’t care. She is relentlessly patient with them (a trait I am forever in awe of), talks with them and invests in them, and loves them, just as we all ought. There is no doubt in my mind that our sweet Lord has anointed Court for just such a purpose, and draws these particular sheep to her so they might feel a whisper of the warmth of that ever-radiant Sunlight He pours out.
Finally, ALL OF YOU, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.
1 Peter 3:3
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

I’ve had many other good friends, however, even at my sweet Christian school, who shy from the strange and unusual. One girl once said to me “She’s nice, but she’s just not the kind of person I would be friends with, and that’s ok” and for days her words circulated through my mind. I kept thinking, “But it’s not ok”. The only times I haven’t made friends with someone were when those people didn’t allow me to truly come into their presence. I would never willingly not befriend someone, and every time I think about that girl’s words, I become more frustrated! Yes, some people are difficult. Yes, some people are awkward. SO. WHAT. GOD made them! What does that mean?? It means they are beautiful!!!!!! End of discussion!!
The King is enthralled by your beauty. Honor Him, for He is your Lord.
Psalm 45:11
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

I have a wonderful, dear, sweet friend who fits the category I’m describing here of unusual. I’m so ashamed to admit that when I first met her, I wanted to turn away with everyone else. So I prayed. I asked Lord to show her to me through His eyes. Turns out mine weren’t working so well. So what did He do?? HE. WAS. FAITHFUL. Even when I so heartlessly and cruelly was not. God showed me what beauty and joy she had to offer, and she is now one of my closest sisters. My point in sharing her is that when we encounter these people who we at first want to put on the “do not disturb” shelf, we ought to pray. We ought to realize that God adores this person, and we ought to ask Him to help us adore them in just the same way He does. We are all His children. He died for ALL of us because He loves EACH and EVERY ONE OF US. I don’t know about you, but I am ridiculously unworthy of His love and adoration, and yet He showers me with it daily. So why the HECK wouldn’t I do the same to all of His other children???
God, who has called you into fellowship with His son Jesus Christ our Lord, IS FAITHFUL.
1 Corinthians 1:9
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 John 2:2
For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
1 Timothy 4:4

Most importantly, or so I feel, these people are gems. True jewels amidst porous rocks and grains of sand. These people stand against the wind, embrace who they are, and do not relent when others try to make them “more like everyone else”. These people know who they are and what they love and do not forsake any of it for the sake of “fitting in”. I gawk at these people. I drool over them, because they are not afraid. In such an individualistic culture, in a country where individuality and uniqueness are praised, still we struggle to truly embrace who and what we are. WHY?? Perhaps lies from that loser lucy (not capitalized my friends) have led us to believe that standing out to a certain degree is acceptable, but any further and we will be cast into no mans land where we will be silently mocked and ridiculed for our love of the unusual. OR, perhaps they are lies we ourselves have leaked into society. Perhaps we are in fact the virus that endorses a quiet character that follows the rules of “societal norms” and does not stand out too much. To that my challenge is this: that we all may take our stand, embrace the heart which God has so beautifully and artistically crafted within us, and fight for those who sometimes don’t even know they need to fight for themselves. I challenge you to befriend someone who does not conform to the mold your personal social circle has always held. And of course, I challenge you to break your own mold and discover the strange things about yourself that make you so uniquely and beautifully....... you. We live in a world where there are billions upon billions of human beings, and yet EVER SINGLE ONE is different. The depth of that fact is so flooring, so immense, and so beautiful. RUN with it.
I love you with every depth of my heart.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect.
1 Corinthians 15:10
Galatians 5:14
Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness
1 John 2:9 (Granted, hate is a strong word here, but what is the absence of love? And how do we love those we keep at a very long arms length?)
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