I have a very close friend. He likes to explain everything in metaphors and analogies, partly for his listeners sake, but I think also partly for his sake, so he can understand what it is he’s trying to tell. A few days ago, he told me his best one yet...

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth
1 John 3:18I’ve been thinking about his metaphor ever since, because the fact is, I reeeally need to pull my pants up. The fact is I am doing a lousy job at showing Jesus just how much I love and adore Him. It didn’t quite sink in though. Not really. Then I was listening to a sermon online from my home church, and the pastor was talking about the fact that lucy’s (you remember. That loser whose name we will not capitalize because he is a loser serpent) number one desire is to be worshipped. So I thought, “What do I worship?”. Without a hum of a beat my mind answered: myself. These are the thought’s I’ve been obsessing over lately: I don’t feel pretty. I don’t feel strong in my faith. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. My heart is broken and I need to figure out how to get over it. I don’t know how to live better for Christ....... That’s a lot of first-person pronouns. Basically, my concern is about Ariel, and how to fit Christ in. YEESH why didn’t I see this before?!
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20

My revelation: EYES ON HIM ARIEL.
So now, instead of focusing on my broken heart from some guy, or my lack of knowledge on where I’m going in life, or any of that other junk, I’m just going to think about my Sweetheart. I’m going to focus my energy and attention on Him, because I’m in love, and that’s what you do when you’re in love. I’m going to live day by day, knowing that He’s stitching my heart back together and I don’t need to worry about it, and just wonder how I can better serve Him today. Who can I love for you Father? How can I show you my adoration, my obsession, my gnawing desire for you? Forget Ariel. He’ll take care of her in His time. My eyes are set on Someone else, and I tell ya. So far? It’s been a pretty sweet love affair :)

With love and hope and faith in the Man who promises to never tell me He’s lost His passion for me or can’t marry me,
“Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without”
Meet Joe Black
So what you're telling me is, if that I sag, I don't love Jesus?? Can you show me that scripture?
ReplyDelete- The Religious Guy
I think it's somewhere in the book of Samuel..... Get it???? WAH WAAAAHHH